The Los Angeles Province Fall DESIGNS magazine will be in the mail soon! The theme this season is “The Power of the Present Moment.”
Many of our sisters and associates sent in beautiful reflections of their experience with how to get into the present moment. We were not able to fit all these pearls of wisdom in the magazine, so we are highlighting them here.
This one is from Sister Anne Paul Clare, CSJ:
I stay present to the moment by first starting the day looking forward to the many good people I will see at Saint John of God where I live. Practices that help, especially when it is hard, might be to take time for special reading and quiet reflection so I can connect with myself and God. I am often energized by gathering with others to share joys, humor and relationships. This puts a spark in my day, I am enriched and more motivated by phone calls, retreats, lasting friendships, and spiritual direction. I can be present by being aware of the gift my body is for me, for others.
~Sister Anne Paul Clare, CSJ
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Prayers go out for safety of all during these L.A. fires.