We are called together to serve a world in need
Our world is waiting. Urgently calling Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet to bold conversation and prophetic action. We stand in communion with all who share our passion, charism and mission.
CALLED by the Spirit, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet have witnessed to and shared the great love of God since 1836.
TOGETHER in community, we share our lives, our hearts, and our ministry.
TO SERVE the dear neighbor without distinction–this mission has flowed from our charism of loving unity, shared by the Sisters of St. Joseph worldwide for 370 years.
A WORLD IN NEED beckons us to a life of service, using our gifts and skills to do all that we are capable of.

We are ordinary women who do together what we could not do individually—give communal and corporate witness to God’s love. Through our religious vows, we profess lifelong conversion and witness. We listen attentively, we love freely and we live simply.
If you are looking for a way to share deeply in loving God and loving your neighbor, you have found the right place as we continue this mission of Jesus!
We’d love to talk to you!
If you would like to have a conversation with someone about discernment, please fill out the quick form below.
The formation process

Personal prayer and discernment
You have likely already begun this step. Personal prayer and discernment may be leading you to feel a call to religious life. This is a time to learn about different communities and have conversations with sisters.
Period of inquiry
This is an intentional time for you and the community to become acquainted. You will receive invitations to community gatherings such as liturgical celebrations, lectures and discussions, prayer days, retreats and social events. You will also regularly meet with others who are learning more about the community. During this time, it is important to meet with a spiritual director.
Period of candidacy
While you continue to earn your own salary, you will have an opportunity to live, pray and share life with sisters and others who associate with the community. You will continue to participate in the variety of experiences of prayer, liturgy, learning and socializing that occur in the community. You will cultivate a relationship with a sister who will companion you during your discernment. You may also live one to two years in community.
Period of novitiate
After applying and being accepted into the novitiate program, expect 12-24 months of deepening personal and communal prayer as well as studying scripture, liturgy, the community’s constitution, vowed membership and the social teachings of the Church. You also spend time working in some of our ministries.
Temporary profession
This period begins with the first profession of vows. As you continue your communal, spiritual and professional/ministerial growth over a period of three to six years, you and the community will continue to discern your calling to make final vows as a Sister of St. Joseph.
Lifelong commitment
Sisters make a lifelong commitment to living vows in community and serving a world in need.