The Los Angeles Province Fall DESIGNS magazine will be in the mail soon! The theme this season is “The Power of the Present Moment.”
Many of our sisters and associates sent in beautiful reflections of their experience with how to get into the present moment. We were not able to fit all these pearls of wisdom in the magazine, so we are highlighting them here.

This one is from Sister Rosheen Glennon, CSJ:
“The present moment is the only moment available to us, and it is the door to all moments” – Thich Nhat Hanh
When I was a young sister, I was taught to value and be responsible about the “duty of the present moment.” What a heavy mandate to rest on my young, inexperienced shoulders, I thought! However, as I matured into my personal spirituality I gained a different insight. I immersed myself not into “duty” but “gift.” The gift, the present of the present moment! So, the Spirit gifted me with different insights. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come. How will I unwrap the present of the present moment and how will it enrich my relationships with God, self, others?
Being present allows me to experience God in the here and now. Whether during quiet prayer time or daily tasks, I find moments to pause and simply be. When I am present to myself, I gain self-awareness. I can identify and face my emotions both positive and negative, without judgment. Being present with others, being a woman of unifying love, helps me focus on the person in front of me and create a space for deeper connection as I listen, show compassion and offer my full attention. A sense of wonder enhances my living in this present of the present moment. It opens my eyes to the beauty and mystery in each moment. It invites me to approach life with curiosity and appreciation, making me see the extraordinary in the ordinary. It nurtures awe and gratitude into my daily life.
“Life is a collection of moments. Embrace each one with curiosity and wonder.” Author unknown
~Sister Rosheen Glennon, CSJ
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