The Los Angeles Province Fall DESIGNS magazine will be in the mail soon! The theme this season is “The Power of the Present Moment.”
Many of our sisters and associates sent in beautiful reflections of their experience with how to get into the present moment. We were not able to fit all these pearls of wisdom in the magazine, so we are highlighting them here.

This one is from Sister Chizuru Yamada, CSJ:
A meditation to be aware of the sensations, emotions, and thoughts of the present moment as they are, without making any value judgments. Vipassana means “to see clearly” in Pali.
We try a simple vipassana meditation first –
1. Sit upright in a chair, place both feet on the floor, relax your shoulders, and straighten your back slightly.
2. Breath naturally, place one your hand on your stomach, feel it sink in when you exhale and expand when you inhale.
3. If distracting thoughts arise, just say after your thought: “I thought.” then let them go, and return your attention to feeling your breath.
✴︎It’s best to start with about five minutes of concentration.
~Sister Chizuru Yamada, CSJ
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Your invitation came at a very good moment. Janet