Below are a wide array of opportunities to support our sisters. If you would like to speak to someone about these or other options, please connect with our Mission Advancement Office in Albany.

Giving Opportunities
Make a gift
Online gifts are credited immediately and begin to work faster than any other form of payment.
Make your online gift now
If you would like to send a gift by check, please make checks payable to “Sisters of St. Joseph” and mail to:
Mission Advancement Office
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd.
Latham, NY 12110
Memorial and tribute gifts
Tribute gifts offer an opportunity to honor a relative, friend or business associate for any special occasion: birthday, anniversary, promotion or a particular accomplishment. A memorial gift provides a thoughtful and appropriate way to express sympathy at the passing of a loved one and remembrance in the future.
See our selection of memorial and tribute cards
At the time of death
During a bereavement period, friends often seek an appropriate means to express sympathy. The following message in the obituary of the deceased provides an avenue to make a gift: “Memorial gifts may be made to: Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, NY 12110.”
St. Joseph’s Day Annual Appeal
Annual giving is the custom of making a yearly gift to a trusted institution. It is a friendly, happy custom, a perennial reunion in spirit, a pooling of hope and blessing by those who wish the institution well.
Amazon Smile
Are you already using Amazon? Update your bookmark to start at instead. Select Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Latham, N.Y. as your charitable organization, and Amazon’s foundation will donate .5% of the price of your eligible purchases back to us!
Charitable Bequest
A charitable bequest supports the work of the Sisters of St. Joseph after your death. A charitable bequest may be included at the time of writing a will or it may be added later by a codicil. There are several ways to make a distribution through your will. You may give a percentage or name a specific amount. You may also leave whatever is left over (the residue) after other bequests have been honored. A bequest does not affect current income and may favorably impact the estate taxes owed. Our legal title is “The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph” at 385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, NY 12110.
Charitable Gift Annuity Program
Charitable gift annuities benefit both donor (with a guaranteed income) and recipient (with a philanthropic gift). The Sisters of St. Joseph are now able to offer this benefit to our friends and donors through the National Catholic Community Foundation.
If you are interested in making a charitable gift to the Sisters of St. Joseph and providing income in the future, please call Melissa Phillips at (518) 783-3600. You can also visit the National Catholic Community Foundation to learn firsthand what a charitable gift annuity can mean to you and to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province.
Charitable Trusts
Charitable trusts are irrevocable gifts to the province that provide annual income to the donor. A portion of the gift provides an income tax deduction and any capital gains taxes on appreciated property are deferred or, in some cases avoided. Trusts can also benefit estate plans.
Gifts of Stock
Please request that shares of stock be delivered through our DTC number to USB Financial Services, Inc. Our legal name is the Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Latham, N.Y. You will need to tell them our account number. Please contact Melissa Phillips at (518) 783-3600 for the DTC and account numbers.
When USB Financial Services, Inc. notifies the Sisters of St. Joseph that stock has been transferred, a letter will be sent to the donor with the following information:
“XX shares of XX stock on XX date were received by the Sisters of St. Joseph. On XX date the average was XX. Total value of the gift in $XX. (Use average of figure times # of shares.)”
The day we receive stock in our account is the date used for the value of the stock.
Insurance Policies
A review of insurance needs might disclose that some policies are no longer as useful as they once were. The cash value of a policy that is no longer needed could be transferred to the Sisters of St. Joseph. It is also possible to name the Sisters of St. Joseph as a beneficiary of a policy or to assign dividends to the province as current, tax-deductible gifts.
Matching Gifts
Double your donation today with a matching gift!
Did you know that many companies have special programs to match employee gifts? Did you know that you may be able to double your gift just by completing some simple forms at your company’s human resources or community relations office?
Three simple steps to make your gift go twice as far:
- Check if your employer has a corporate matching gift program.
- Obtain a form from your employer’s Matching Gift Coordinator/Department (human resources or community relations department).
- Send your completed form to the Mission Advancement Office
Planned Gifts
Many planned gifts require the assistance of a legal or financial advisor. Most planned gifts are deferred gifts, promising future support of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. When naming the sisters as the beneficiary of a bequest, insurance policy, retirement plan or trust, the donor should instruct the lawyer that our corporate title is: “The Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph” at 385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd., Latham, NY 12110.
A pledge is a commitment to contribute a specific amount of money over a period of time. It is a wonderful opportunity to make a larger commitment to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a distribution of funds from your IRA (other than a SEP or SIMPLE IRA) directly to a qualified charitable organization, such as the Sisters of St. Joseph. Because the gift goes directly to the charity without passing through your hands, the dollar amount of the gift may be excluded from your taxable income up to a maximum of $100,000 annually, with some exceptions. Please consult your tax advisor for information regarding your specific exceptions. To learn more about QCDs, please visit
Who can make a qualified charitable distribution?
QCDs can be made by IRA owners who are age 70 1/2 or older. QCDs made prior to the age you are required to take a minimum distribution from your retirement assets (pre-Required Minimum Distribution QCDs) will not reduce or otherwise impact future Required Minimum Distribution. Your tax advisor can provide additional information on your particular situation.
Many individuals who are required to take money from their IRA but do not need it for living expenses have chosen to make QCDs from their IRAs to support the work of the Sisters of St. Joseph. This may make sense for you too!
Retirement Plans
Since there are substantial tax penalties for having too much money left in a retirement plan, naming a nonprofit organization as a beneficiary could be beneficial. The Sisters of St. Joseph can be named a first, second or last beneficiary for part or all of a retirement plan.
Mission Advancement
The Office of Mission Advancement, through philanthropy, helps advance the mission and ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Our office:
- Helps create an understanding for those outside the congregation of who we are as contemporary women religious in the church with our particular values
- Helps to secure the necessary support in order to advance our ministry of unity and reconciliation
- Helps others to fulfill God’s creative plan for the world
Called by God and passionate for the mission of Jesus, the Sisters of St. Joseph come together to serve all persons. With a distinctive spirit of hospitality and a particular concern for the poor, we witness to the Gospel message by being a unifying and reconciling presence to the world in need.
Contact Us:
Melissa Phillips, Director of Mission Advancement
(518) 783-3600
Sarah Calhoun, Development Specialist
(518) 389-2654