The Los Angeles Province Fall DESIGNS magazine will be in the mail soon! The theme this season is “The Power of the Present Moment.”
Many of our sisters and associates sent in beautiful reflections of their experience with how to get into the present moment. We were not able to fit all these pearls of wisdom in the magazine, so we are highlighting them here.

This one is from Sister Barbara Ann Flynn, CSJ:
Living in the present moment offers a peace, calm and understanding that nothing can disturb. It allows me in difficult times to give another the benefit of the doubt. Before I speak I ask myself, “Is it kind, is it necessary?”
I choose a daily mantra from the gospel or responsorial psalm and use it during the day. I know “all things are passing…” and make humor part of my day.
The mysteries of the rosary help me. I pray each mystery for various groups of people. For example, Jesus is condemned, I pray for those unjustly condemned.
Being in the present moment brings me closer to God, it develops faith, hope, inclusive love, and forms a spirit of discipline and discipleship. It helps me live a life of prayer and presence.
~Sister Beverly Ann Flynn, CSJ
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