Remembering Sister Martha Anna Wachtel, CSJ
Sister Martha Anna Wachtel (formerly Sister Cecilia Teresa) died on January 21, 2023 at the age of 96 in the 74th year of her religious life.
Located in the Capital Region of New York, our Albany Province includes sisters, associates and partners in mission. We work to bring God’s unifying and reconciling love to those in need. Our sisters minister in a variety of areas including spiritual direction, education, healthcare and hospitality. New ministries emerge as we identify needs in our society. We actively stand with justice and peace initiatives that align with our mission to create a more peaceful and connected society.
Sister Martha Anna Wachtel (formerly Sister Cecilia Teresa) died on January 21, 2023 at the age of 96 in the 74th year of her religious life.
Sister Alice Roberta Benzing, 101, ended her journey as a Sister of St. Joseph on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, at St. Joseph’s Provincial House in Latham, New York. Sister had long expressed her desire to live past her hundredth birthday.
Sister Rita Jean DuBrey, 85, died at St. Joseph’s Provincial House, Latham, New York, on August 25, 2022. Sister Rita was a Sister of St. Joseph for 62 years. Born in Comstock, New York, she was the daughter of Clarence John DuBrey and Valerie Bouyea.
Sister Helen Hart, CSJ, died on July 31, 2022 at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, New York. Sister Helen was 77 years old and had been a Sister of St Joseph of Carondelet for 58 years.
Sister Sandra Tripp, CSJ died on July 28, 2022, at the age of 76 in her 57th year of religious life. Sister Sandy was born on May 19, 1946 in Glens Falls, New York, the daughter of Margaret and Ivan Tripp.
Sister Marianne Baehr (Sister Rosemary), 8o, died at St. Joseph’s Provincial House, Latham, New York, on July 10, 2022.
Sister Genevieve Therese Murphy (formerly Alice Catherine Murphy) died on July 3, 2022. She had been a Sister of St. Joseph for 72 years.
Sister Margaret Patrice (Mary Anne) Devlin, CSJ, died at St. Joseph’s Provincial House in Latham, New York on June 14, 2022. She was 94 years old.
Como Hermanas Católicas y residentes de Nueva York nos unimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Buffalo en su dolor por la pérdida de diez víctimas inocentes por el pecado de la supremacía blanca. Las Hermanas de la Misericordia de las Américas han publicado una declaración que expresa nuestro dolor e indignación por la tragedia innecesaria. Con el permiso de las Hermanas de la Misericordia, nosotros, los Promotores de Justicia de la Región 2 de LCWR, compartimos esta declaración con ustedes.
As Catholic Sisters and New York residents we are united with our brothers and sisters in Buffalo as they grieve the loss of ten innocent victims to the sin of white supremacy. The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas have released a statement which expresses our sorrow and outrage at the needless tragedy. With the permission of the Sisters of Mercy we the Justice Promoters of LCWR Region 2 share this statement with you.
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are a congregation of Catholic sisters. We, and those who share our charism and mission, are motivated in all things by our profound love of God and our dear neighbors. We seek to build communities and bridge divides between people. Since our first sisters gathered in 1650, our members have been called to “do all things of which women are capable.” The first sisters of our congregation arrived in St. Louis, Missouri in 1836, and we now have additional locations in St. Paul, Albany, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Japan and Peru. Today, we commit to respond boldly to injustice and dare to be prophetic.