The Los Angeles Province Fall DESIGNS magazine will be in the mail soon! The theme this season is “The Power of the Present Moment.”
Many of our sisters and associates sent in beautiful reflections of their experience with how to get into the present moment. We were not able to fit all these pearls of wisdom in the magazine, so we are highlighting them here.

This one is from Sister Leone Drexler, CSJ:
I always wanted to have a family tree displayed so that I could reflect on the impact such relationships have had in my life. Since moving to St. John of God and with the assistance of the Activities Department, this tree has become a reality on the wall of my room. Thanks to the fact that my grandfather worked for Eastman Kodak, our family learned to collect and preserve pictures over six generations. As I sit in front of my tree I reflect with gratitude towards all those in the past who have affected the love and support we share with one another in the present.
Because of the faith and devotion our parents shared with one another and passed on to each of their children, we are dedicated to one another and those who shaped the lives we are living even when life throws us curve balls. By being true to God and family (both natural and religious) each moment of every day it is possible for me to live truly in the present moment.
~Sister Leone Drexler, CSJ
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