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Remembering Sister Marie Damien Adams, CSJ

 St. Louis Province

Marie Damien Adams, CSJ

September 27, 1932 – May 31, 2022

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Marie Damien Adams, CSJ who passed away on May 31, 2022, at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis. She was 89 years of age.

Sister Marie Damien Adams, baptized Joanne, was born on September 27, 1932, in Peoria, Illinois, to parents John Luke and Marie (Schmitt) Adams. She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1950 and was received into the novitiate in 1951. She received a bachelor’s degree in history from Avila College in 1960; a master’s degree in speech pathology from Northwestern University in 1964 and a doctorate in speech pathology/audiology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 1968.

Sister Marie Damien began her 70 years of ministry teaching elementary education. She started in 1953 at Holy Rosary Grade School in Kansas City, Missouri. From 1957 to 1963, she taught at St. Rose of Lima Grade School in Houston, Texas.

After receiving her master’s from Northwestern University in 1964, Sister Marie Damien was a faculty member at Fontbonne College in St. Louis from 1964 to 1966. After earning her doctorate in 1968, Sister Marie Damien served as the academic dean at Fontbonne College until 1988.

From 1988 to 1992, she served our St. Louis Province community as the assistant province director at the St. Joseph Provincialate. After a year-long sabbatical, Sister Marie Damien served as general councilor for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet until 2002.

Sister Marie Damien served the next 11 years at CSJ Care as an administrative team member. She retired in 2013 and, since 2017, she resided at Nazareth Living Center in St. Louis, Missouri, carrying out her mission of prayer and presence.

Funeral Arrangements

The funeral Mass will be held Monday, June 6 at 10:30 a.m. CDT at Nazareth Living Center, 2 Nazareth Lane, St. Louis, MO 63129. The service will also be available to view on the St. Louis Province livestream channel.

Memorial Contributions

Memorial contributions may be made to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis Province, 6400 Minnesota Ave., St. Louis, MO 63111-2899 or donate online.

Category: Obituaries

8 thoughts on “Remembering Sister Marie Damien Adams, CSJ”

  1. Avatar
    Chris Partisano CSJ

    Damien and I were good friends for about 30 years. Whenever I was in St. Louis we would meet and frequently I stayed with her and her local community. We continued to keep in touch these last years at least via mail and I would visit her when in St. Louis. The last visit was almost 3 years ago. I cherish her in my live and will miss her. She was a wonderful wisdom filled friend and sister to me.

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    Damien had always been someone I could talk to regarding just about anything. She was very approachable and very generous with her time. I also benefitted from more than one of her delicious meals. I will miss her physical presence in my life but will always have my memories.

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    Cecile Bereaford, csj

    I have many happy and jovial memories of Marie Damien. She had a quick wit and a keen sense of humor, and I loved her laugh and grin! We always had good exchanges when we had the opportunity, especially when we were together on the faculty at Fontbonne.

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    Sister Damien and Sister Paulette Gladis lived in the St. Mary Magdalene Parish Community when I met Sister Damien. Both Sister Damien and Sister Paulette like dogs and they had a little Yorkshire Terrier named Gracie. Gracie and Sister Damien were inseparable and, at times, Sister Damien had “a second shadow.”

    On several occasions after Sister Damien and Sister Paulette moved to St. Joseph Manor, I was very fortunate to have joined them for lunch after the 10:30 AM Liturgy. I enjoyed their company and friendship during this special “sacrament of the moment.” I will miss Sister Damien but I have many fond memories.

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    S. Marie Damien was the liaison from the congregational leadership to the treasurers. She was very supportive and always pleasant. We appreciated her presence and sharing. May she Rest In Peace.

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    Sr. Danielle Bonetti, CSJ

    I always will remember Damien great kindness. She was so supportive in the 1990’s when I asked about gathering all the province personnel directors. We did meet a few times with Damien’s assistance. She taught me how to support people who have a dream and even when it doesn’t flourish celebrate the try. Thank you, Damien.

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    Sister Sharon Richards

    Sr Marie Damien taught me in 5th grade at St Rose of Lima, Houston, Texas.
    I just saw on Facebook your Community and thought to do a google search and learned of Sr Marie Damien’s entrance into heaven! A great Sister, and I know she was an inspiration for my own vocation. Another friend in heaven!

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The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet are a congregation of Catholic sisters. We, and those who share our charism and mission, are motivated in all things by our profound love of God and our dear neighbors. We seek to build communities and bridge divides between people. Since our first sisters gathered in 1650, our members have been called to “do all things of which women are capable.” The first sisters of our congregation arrived in St. Louis, Missouri in 1836, and we now have additional locations in St. Paul, Albany, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Japan and Peru. Today, we commit to respond boldly to injustice and dare to be prophetic.


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