As we embrace the Christmas season, we are reminded of the hope and joy that Jesus’ birth brings to the world. In preparation for the birth of Christ, our sisters in Albany and Los Angeles are sharing their beautiful, prayerful traditions that spread love and compassion far and wide.
Los Angeles
In Los Angeles, our sisters gather to pray the beautiful Christmas Novena, beginning on December 16. As a part of this prayerful tradition, our sisters in LA warmly invite you to send your special intentions, concerns or needs, which will be included in the heartfelt novena prayers.
Our sisters in Albany send out Christmas ornaments every year for people to write their prayer intentions for the season. When the ornaments are returned, our sisters adorn their Christmas trees with the prayer intentions.
With these ornaments, our sisters lift up the prayer intentions throughout the season of Christmas in liturgies and personal prayer.
The prayer intention ornaments are sent out at the beginning of December. If you have not received a Christmas prayer ornament from our sisters in Albany and would like to, please contact the Office of Mission Advancement at 518-783-3604.