In August, the occasion of our anniversary celebration of the arrival of our sisters to Peru brought us many blessings both virtually and in person as we gathered to celebrate with our sisters, associates, collaborators and other friends of the sisters. The theme for the celebration was “Celebrating 60 years of being yeast with the people of Peru.”

On August 3, we made a pilgrimage to the cemetery to pray for our sisters who have gone to God before us and to ask them to intercede for the congregation and for the needs of our Peruvian people.

We were especially blessed to have Sister Teresa Avalos (above in the white scarf) travel to Peru to celebrate with us. She was one of the first 14 sisters who founded our community in Peru.
On August 5, we invited the entire congregation and our charism partners to join us for a virtual anniversary celebration vespers service, which brought together sisters and associates from many countries who have lived in Peru. You can watch the recording below. Each sentence is spoken in Spanish and then in English.
Bishop Jorge Izaguirre, a dear friend of all the sisters, celebrated the Eucharist with us on August 6. The sisters in Casma knew him as a boy in catechism class, and they later encouraged him in his vocation to the priesthood.

On August 7, we visited the new China Park in Miraflores; it helped us to relax and to enjoy ourselves together.

We thank God for all the blessings we have received, for the testimony of so many sisters through the past 60 years and for those of us who continue to share our lives as Sisters of St. Joseph. Many thanks to all our collaborators for supporting the mission in Peru.